Renal Dialysis Diet: The Do’s and Dont’s

Renal Dialysis Diet Individuals who are undergoing or who will undergo hemodialysis, a procedure that is used to remove creatinine, urea and other wastes from the blood due to kidney failure, should strictly follow the renal dialysis diet. This is recommended to patients so that the treatments will be more effective and to reduce the […]

How Does the Amount of Protein and Fat I Eat Affect My Blood Sugar?

This week I came across an article that I felt was interesting because it talked about the amount of fat, carbohydrate and protein in a meal and how it affects blood sugar in both diabetic and nondiabetic patients.1  .  I thought it was interesting because a lot of people are worried about the amount of […]

Menu Planning for Kidney Disease

Renal Diet Menus and the Important Part they Play in Your Overall Wellness Patients who have been diagnosed with Kidney Disease or renal failure may become overwhelmed with the news and the knowledge that their life will now include the care and maintenance of a serious illness.  When the physician diagnoses the disease and the […]