Snacks for Game Day for Diabetics Game day is one of the best days to cheat on your diet. If you are a sports fan and it has been your tradition to slouch on the sofa and eat pizza, fried chicken wings, cheese and crackers, and chips and dips during game day, it is time […]
Game Day Snacks For Diabetics
What Types Of Sweeteners Can I Use With Diabetes?

When you change out some of the sugar in your recipe and use a non-nutritive sweetener like NutraSweet, stevia, or equal, you can reduce the amount of carbohydrate in the recipe and keep the sweetness. Sounds like a fair trade, right? Some caveats exist. That does not mean suddenly you can eat more of the […]
5 Steps You Can Take Today To Get Your Diabetes Under Control
Does Impaired Glucose Tolerance Always Become Diabetes?
Recently, I read about a study* that compared people who had impaired glucose tolerance over a period of about 2.4 years to see if they developed Diabetes. This study showed that with an early intervention, utilizing a medication called Pioglitazone, a person’s risk of developing diabetes was lowered by about 72% compared to the control […]
Menus for Diabetics Based on the Diabetes Food Pyramid

Menus for diabetics are based on something called the Diabetes Food Pyramid. The very nature of the disease called diabetes is that the body is unable to process simple sugars effectively. The American Diabetic Association or ADA has created guidelines to follow when planning effective diabetic menus called the Diabetes Food Pyramid. Using the pyramid […]