It’s January, and we all see it as a time to start anew. Forget how we did last year, we are going to do it right this year. No matter what. I see that happen in my own life as well. It’s like we turn the page and it’s a brand new life. I can […]
Resolve to Take Your Life Back One Step At A Time
It’s the New Year tradition, to make some resolutions and then possibly follow them for a few days, weeks or months, then they are forgotten. But I don’t necessarily do “resolutions”, I feel like you should stop trying to make such huge changes that they are impossible to continue to do. Your new year’s changes […]
This Season I Am Thankful For Fruits and Vegetables.
It’s fall and approaching Thanksgiving in the USA. As the world starts to mosey towards the Holidays and parties as well as deserved time to spend with a family, I thought I would take a moment and mention a few of the things I am thankful for. I am ever thankful for my subscribers and […]
How Much Fruit Is a Serving?
Regardless of the type of diet that you are on, it’s very important to make sure that you understand the portion size of the foods that you’re eating. With all the ways that food is super sized as far as amounts are concerned, it’s not surprising that you may be confused about how much is […]