Top 3 Ways To Make Health Your New Year’s Resolution

It’s January, and we all see it as a time to start anew.  Forget how we did last year, we are going to do it right this year.  No matter what. I see that happen in my own life as well.  It’s like we turn the page and it’s a brand new life.  I can […]

How Does Diabetes Affect My Heart?

In a person with diabetes or high blood sugar, it can be a problem to try to manage just your blood sugars, let alone the other risks and complications.  Last week, I talked about how you can prevent high blood glucose becoming diabetes through diet control even before being diagnosed with diabetes. This week, I […]

Does Impaired Glucose Tolerance Always Become Diabetes?

Recently, I read about a study* that compared people who had impaired glucose tolerance over a period of about 2.4 years to see if they developed Diabetes. This study showed that with an early intervention, utilizing a medication called Pioglitazone, a person’s risk of developing diabetes was lowered by about 72% compared to the control […]

My Plate for Diabetics

The USDA created a new meal planning tool called that talks about how the general public should plan their menu and eat a healthier diet.  The plate design includes fruits, grains, dairy, proteins and vegetables as part of the healthy diet. People who are diabetics can follow this advice with some simple changes to […]