If you have diabetes, improving your diabetes blood sugar levels does not come overnight. You have to engage in some daily routines in order to make sure that your blood glucose levels are kept in check. Diabetes treatment and management is all about lifestyle modifications, so it is not simply a one time, big time […]
Hosting A Family Party For People With Diabetes
Why Do I Need A Diabetic Diet Meal Plan?

Today I saw a few ads on line about how you can improve your diet through not eating this or through eating a lot of a certain type of food and it makes me wonder – What type of diabetic diet meal plan really works for people? There are certainly enough prescription drugs out there […]
What type of diet helps with heart disease and diabetes risk?
In a 1 year long study, it was determined that following a low carbohydrate Mediterranean diet reduces cardiovascular risk and improves diabetes control in overweight patients*. Weight reduction of any kind can help lower risk for diabetes and complications. Diabetes is very common in the US – about 5.1% in 2004. So, the question is […]
My Plate for Diabetics

The USDA created a new meal planning tool called choosemyplate.gov that talks about how the general public should plan their menu and eat a healthier diet. The plate design includes fruits, grains, dairy, proteins and vegetables as part of the healthy diet. People who are diabetics can follow this advice with some simple changes to […]
Diabetic Snacks—Diabetics Need Good Snacks Too!

Good healthy snack foods are a big part of the diabetic diet plan whether you have type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes. Keeping your metabolism on an even level throughout the day will keep the glucose or sugar levels in the blood steady. Everyone should eat three main meals and two or three snacks. […]
Menus for Diabetics Based on the Diabetes Food Pyramid

Menus for diabetics are based on something called the Diabetes Food Pyramid. The very nature of the disease called diabetes is that the body is unable to process simple sugars effectively. The American Diabetic Association or ADA has created guidelines to follow when planning effective diabetic menus called the Diabetes Food Pyramid. Using the pyramid […]
What is a Diabetic or CCD Diet?

A complicated term deserves a simple explanation. A CCD diet is a carbohydrate controlled diet. Which is really a diabetic diet. But I truly want you to think of it as a plan, instead of a temporary thing. Because you will live with this for the rest of your life. 1. Diabetic patients should work […]
Healthy Diabetic Diet Tips – What Can You Do To Improve Your Eating Plan?

Healthy Diabetic Diet A healthy diabetic diet will be low in fat and cholesterol, low in sodium and balanced in carbohydrates, especially in simple sugars. The calorie intake will be limited and the number of calories for each day will be according to the recommendation of your health care professional. There are specific guidelines for […]
Healthy Diet Menus for You Plans

This is a continuation of the previous informational post related to how the Healthy Diet Menus Plan can help you. How can it help you? If you are a dietitian or doctor, this can really help you get your patients off to a good start and keep them on track. Your patients can take your […]