The American Heart Association Diet

The American Heart Association Diet is part of the overall health awareness provided by the American Heart Association.  March is heart awareness month and the purpose is to make every single person aware of the dangers of cardiovascular diseases and strokes and how to make some simple lifestyle changes that will insure the health of […]

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Heart Healthy Menu


A good heart healthy menu may also be classified as a low fat/low cholesterol diet.  The body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to promote good health but too much of the wrong kind of cholesterol will cause damage to your heart and other organs.  Cholesterol comes from the foods you eat and it is […]

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What is a Diabetic or CCD Diet?

A complicated term deserves a simple explanation.  A CCD diet is a carbohydrate controlled diet.  Which is really a diabetic diet.  But I truly want you to think of it as a plan, instead of a temporary thing.  Because you will live with this for the rest of your life. 1.  Diabetic patients should work […]

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Eating a Healthy Diabetic Diet – What Should You Do

If you have learned that you are diabetic or perhaps borderline diabetic and the first words you heard from your physician were probably that you will need to go on a “Healthy Diabetic Diet”. Your diet, the foods that you eat and the fluids you drink each day are now especially important to you and […]

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Healthy Diabetic Diet Tips – What Can You Do To Improve Your Eating Plan?

Healthy Diabetic Diet A healthy diabetic diet will be low in fat and cholesterol, low in sodium and balanced in carbohydrates, especially in simple sugars.  The calorie intake will be limited and the number of calories for each day will be according to the recommendation of your health care professional.  There are specific guidelines for […]

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Menu Planning for Kidney Disease

Renal Diet Menus and the Important Part they Play in Your Overall Wellness Patients who have been diagnosed with Kidney Disease or renal failure may become overwhelmed with the news and the knowledge that their life will now include the care and maintenance of a serious illness.  When the physician diagnoses the disease and the […]

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Healthy Diet News and Reviews Podcast Episode 5 – Skinnygirl Dish Book Review


Healthy Diet News and Reviews Podcast #5 Hello, welcome to episode five of the Healthy Diet News and Reviews podcast. I am going to talk today about “The Skinnygirl Dish: Easy Recipes for Your Naturally Thin Life” The Skinnygirl Dish: Easy recipes for your naturally thin life” by Bethenny Frankel. It was copyrighted in 2010, […]

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Healthy Diet News and Reviews Episode 4 – Tips for Improving your Health


Hi, this is Mathea Ford, and today I wanted to take a break from my usual book review podcast and talk to you a little bit about change and changing your habits, and how to make that a valuable part of your life, and making change a positive thing instead of making it a hard […]

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Book Review: The Pink Ribbon Diet

The Pink Ribbon Diet: A Revolutionary New Weight Loss Plan to Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk “The Pink Ribbon Diet.” It’s a non‑fiction book in the health and diet section, written by Mary Flynn who’s a registered dietitian, and Nancy Verde Barr who works as a chef and did a lot of recipes in the […]

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Stop Being A Zombie!!!


So you have a lot of “Friends” on Facebook?  And you enjoy tweeting about what’s going on in your life… but have you stopped to listen and encourage another person?  And become what the true meaning of friend is, instead of just “online”. I wanted to take a few lines and express my thoughts on […]

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