What Can I Eat on a CCD (Carbohydrate-Controlled Diet)? A carbohydrate-controlled (CCD) diet is defined as a meal that contains carbohydrate-rich foods in equal amounts. This means that the amount of carbohydrates that you eat during breakfast is the same as the amount of carbohydrates you eat during lunch and dinner. This consistency allows for […]
How Often Should a Person with Type 2 Diabetes Check Their Blood Sugars?
How Often Should a Person with Type 2 Diabetes Check Their Blood Sugars? Monitoring your blood sugar levels is important in the management of type 2 diabetes. If you know how high your blood sugar is, you will be able to take appropriate actions to reduce, maintain, or increase the glucose in your bloodstream. Now […]
Diabetes Alert Day – March 26th – Do You Know if You are at Risk for Developing Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions not just in the United States but in the world today. Simply defined, diabetes is a condition wherein blood glucose levels remain uncontrolled in the bloodstream due to the absence (type 1) or lack (type 2) of insulin produced by the pancreas. In type 2 […]
Have You Heard That Eating More Dairy Is Going To Help You Lose Weight?
I have heard over and over that people who eat more dairy weigh less, haven’t you? Some research showed that people who consumed more servings of dairy were closer to their “optimum” BMI number. Well, now more research is showing that may not be the case. The study, in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, […]
Top 3 Ways To Make Health Your New Year’s Resolution
It’s January, and we all see it as a time to start anew. Forget how we did last year, we are going to do it right this year. No matter what. I see that happen in my own life as well. It’s like we turn the page and it’s a brand new life. I can […]
Why Do I Need A Diabetic Diet Meal Plan?
Today I saw a few ads on line about how you can improve your diet through not eating this or through eating a lot of a certain type of food and it makes me wonder – What type of diabetic diet meal plan really works for people? There are certainly enough prescription drugs out there […]