I have heard over and over that people who eat more dairy weigh less, haven’t you? Some research showed that people who consumed more servings of dairy were closer to their “optimum” BMI number. Well, now more research is showing that may not be the case. The study, in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, […]
Resolve to Take Your Life Back One Step At A Time
It’s the New Year tradition, to make some resolutions and then possibly follow them for a few days, weeks or months, then they are forgotten. But I don’t necessarily do “resolutions”, I feel like you should stop trying to make such huge changes that they are impossible to continue to do. Your new year’s changes […]
A Carbohydrate Controlled Diet is a Valuable Part of your Diabetes Meal Plan
What is a carbohydrate controlled diet? Is it like a low sugar diet? Nope, it’s a more liberalized version of the diabetic diet. And I like it, don’t get me wrong. But I also realize it has its limitations. When you are thinking about a carbohydrate controlled diet, you are probably thinking about how you […]
Why Do I Need A Diabetic Diet Meal Plan?
Today I saw a few ads on line about how you can improve your diet through not eating this or through eating a lot of a certain type of food and it makes me wonder – What type of diabetic diet meal plan really works for people? There are certainly enough prescription drugs out there […]
A Diabetes Meal Plan Should Include Eggs
A Diabetes Meal Plan Needs Foods Low in Carbohydrate One of the best foods that you can have in a diabetes meal plan is an egg. Why? I heard eggs are bad for your heart… Well, the amount of cholesterol in an egg is higher than most people should eat in one setting. But the […]